New born babies may use up to 10-12 diapers a day!..buying diapers is expensive, isn't it? We have got an funny idea to solve the diaper problem...
You need the following materials to setup our funny idea:
- Buy some soft paper cups.
- a Marker or pen
- a Sharp paper cutting knife.
Have a small circle mark in paper cup using marker or pen and remove the area inside the circle to make it as a small hole. The hole should be perfectly fit (not so tight and not loose) with your new born baby boy(see the above Funny image for more understanding). Slowly fix it in the area collect waste liquids (Urine).
That's it, Funny and Creative Idea is ready for you now..It will work instead of 5-6 diapers in day time...Okay, You can sit and watch some more funny stuffs in our funnyfacebookcom...